if you happen to be in Bern, please join us for „ckster – Hacking Festival“ at PROGR_Zentrum für Kulturproduktion (April 24-25), http://ckster.org/
Tag: streetart
Mark Jenkins: Go Figure!
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/35246173] American artist Mark Jenkins’s urban (and rural) interventions are street-smart—in the truest sense of the word. Jenkins creates and sets free a colorful cast of characters by way of clear tape casts: the homeless, kids, vagrants, polar bears, and horses (to name but a few) all take their place in the wild, wild… Continue reading Mark Jenkins: Go Figure!
Jöö.. not
Derzeit macht ein selbständiger Kinderwagen New York unsicher..
lately in New York..
via College Humor
Banksy in NY (meat transport)
more: http://stealbanksyny.com/
100 Urban Trends
A Glossary of Ideas from the BMW Guggenheim Lab (Berlin) http://cdn.guggenheim.org/BMW/100_Urban_Trends_1106_3MB.pdf 100_Urban_Trends_1106_3MB http://www.bmwguggenheimlab.org/100urbantrends/#!/new-york-city/3 plus there will be soon an exhibition about it at the Guggenheim in NY (October 11, 2013–January 5, 2014) http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/exhibitions/upcoming/participatory-city-100-urban-trends-from-the-bmw-guggenheim-lab
re-imagine the urban (zURBS)
more: www.zurbs.org
Kategorien von Performances in urbanen Räumen
Aus dem Urban Interventions-Workshop:
Have you seen?
new book: Going public
eben erschienen im Gestalten-Verlag: Publisher Gestalten writes: Going Public showcases the creative revival of public space in our urban and rural landscapes. The book’s compelling selection of formal and informal interventions, reclamations, and architecture illustrates the current scope and interest in refashioning and repurposing our built environment for public use. The objectives of the featured examples are… Continue reading new book: Going public